Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Still love the Boy!

I spent the summer of 1987 living and working in London. I cleaned hotel rooms but I didn't care...I was in London. Since I obviously wasn't making buckets of cash I entertained myself by walking through all of the wonderful neighborhoods of the great city and by stalking people of interest.

One of my people just happened to be Boy George himself. I found out where he lived and would go and hang out front of his house with the other wanna-be groupies.  I met some pretty cool people.  Luckily George had the sense not to use the front door and save himself the grief of having to say hello to his little group of fans.

Fast forward to 2015 and the band is back together and playing in Atlanta GA so I hopped in my car and went to see them.  Since it was a last minute decision I went alone but met some great people to sing and dance with. 

Concert accomplished!!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Party Time!!!!

Who doesn't like to celebrate!!! We were so lucky to have our friend Anne of Anne Yarbrough Photography to come over and snap some pics of our dog party!  We thought it would be fun to bake some cakes and treats and have a party.

The spaniels are loving the cake and popcorn.  They didn't even mind standing on the table or wearing their party hats... well almost...

Blanche makes sure she gets every piece of yummy cake!

Max is not giving up on the Kennel Korn!

Happy Party Day!!! Can't wait to help other dogs celebrate their big days!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Miss B.

Blanche has graduated from a life of not so good, horrible in fact, to a life that is pretty cool! She has many favorite poses and they all seem to resemble.  Hogging the pillow is always a great activity that she excels at.

Blanche and Max do have a bond.  They torment each other and secretly like each other at the same time.  Max has one of the sweetest personalities in a dog I have ever met and Blanche.....kinda sorta! But sometimes at the end of the day she tolerates him and even shares her spot with him.

But there are those times when Bossy Blanche appears and Max just sucks it up and lets her have her favorite spot on the sofa.  If nothing else he is always the gentleman!  

Those are the times when I sneak Max the biggest dog treat from the tray because putting up with two crazy women in the house deserves a little something special!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hitting the Road

As usual, I am trying to figure out how I can take a couple of more trips this year...or three or four! I am trying to plan to go places where I can pop in a pet store or two and introduce them to myself and my Oscar Bites.  Now I completely suck at this sort of thing.  I seem to be a pretty good salesperson if I am trying to sell other people's wares, but really self conscious about promoting my own.  Just shy on that level I guess. I have info printed that I hand over with my samples for people to peruse. Short and informative I think is the best way to present myself.  I love to answer questions but don't want to bore anyone.  I am proud of what I have accomplished and I hope that shows.

I have a long way to go and I am certainly not afraid of the effort I have to put into this endeavor, excited about it really!  So if anyone knows of great shops in the Jacksonville, FL or San Diego, CA area that would love to carry the most fabulous dog treats ever made please let me know!!!

Have box will travel!!