Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Eloise Josephine is determined to get my attention!! I don't think she is going to be camera shy.

Monday, May 16, 2016


One of the best things about baking and selling Oscar Bites would have to be meeting people and their pets. I finally got to meet Kallie this past weekend. Her mom and dad have been buying treats for Kallie for a couple of years now. I don't know this little family, they are people who bought my treats and really liked them...or Kallie did! It still blows me away that I am able to produce a product that people will buy.  Not that my treats are unappealling, but the fact that I bake them and actually sell them just completely makes my day, week and year! 

It is apparent by now that I do love animals. I wish I could have a huge place where I could rescue every pet that needs a home. Until that day comes, and I will just be positive and assume that it will, I will keep doing what I can for rescues and hoping for the best.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


True friends get up at 5 an hour and a half...set up a tent...hang a banner...and sit there for 10 hours telling everyone how wonderfully tasty your dog treats are! I am so lucky to have them!!!!!
Food O Rama 2016 was a definite success. Can't wait for next year!!!!!!!!!!!